The following note was handwritten and left on the car of Mr. Curtis Lloyd, a prison official who located remains in Scurry County, in March of 2013, which belong to missing 13 year old Hailey Dunn. Mr. Curtis will join us on "Crime Wire."
The only two named Persons of Interest are Hailey Dunn's mother, Billie Jean Dunn, and Billie Jean Dunn's boyfriend, Shawn Adkins.
Both Dunn and Adkins failed polygraphs.
The note (or letter) is in italics with Statement Analysis in bold type. Links are also provided.
The note (or letter) is in italics with Statement Analysis in bold type. Links are also provided.
"Hey Mr. Lloyd Mr. Deadman you think you are so smart caus you
found Haileys bones It don’t mean
a thing, Shawn boy wont see a day in jail That bitch Billy will try
and burn him but it wont happen. If
you go on tv again and say anything bad bout Shawn boy you gona
die to."
Here is the note with analysis in bold type:
We seek to learn the gender, age, education, etc, of the subject.
This begins with calling attention to the recipient.
Why would someone need to include this in an anonymous note?
It is somewhat polite, and as we move through the note, we consider gender:
Who would be more polite, a male or female subject? This is the question we ask as we make our way through language, with some indications showing female, and others, male. We then look to conclude the matter, even by seeking if one or the other has more indicators.
The threat itself suggests male, as more males threaten than females, but the politeness suggests female.
This calls attention: does the subject (writer) not feel 'heard' by others?
Has the subject's voice been squelched?
This means we need to look into possible Protection Orders: has those close to the case, including Shawn Adkins himself, filed any:
Protection from Abuse,
Protection from Harassment,
No Contact, or similar/like orders?
Why does the writer feel the need to call attention?
Also note that it is similar to "hi", as a greeting, and is not expected in a threatening note or letter. Politeness is not expected in an angry threatening letter unless it has the appearance of sarcasm.
Mr. Lloyd Mr. Deadman
"Mr. Lloyd Mr. Deadman"
The note begins with the more formal, "Mr. Lloyd" which sounds polite, but then moves to "Mr. Deadman", with both using proper capitalization and punctuation.
"Mr. Lloyd" comes before "Mr. Deadman" in priority. Since this was left at his car at his work place, no title is necessary, yet it is included. Note alliteration between two titles used.
you think you are so smart caus
After using proper punctuation and capitalization, the subject abbreviates the word "because" with "caus" which is both misspelled and not considered an internet abbreviation.
Note that "coz" is a more common internet abbreviation for "because" which may lead one to question if the word "caus" is a deliberate misspelling in order to conceal subject's education level. High school graduate at least.
Note that "coz" is a more common internet abbreviation for "because" which may lead one to question if the word "caus" is a deliberate misspelling in order to conceal subject's education level. High school graduate at least.
"Mr. Deadman"
"Mr. Deadman" may be a reference to "Turn Me On, Mr. Deadman" from Union Underground, a Texas band no longer together.
A song with an angry sound and cursing with lyrics that would appeal to a young male or an immature male closer to 30.
Low brow, screaming, 'Michael Myers' type of music, something that usually draws in more immature males with underdeveloped tastes and rebellious attitudes.
The lyrics speak of sex, drugs and violence ( may suggest rape). From the videos in the home, we know that these are common themes form the two Persons of Interest and it is likely common themes for any who may associate with them.
"Turn Me On "Mr. Deadman""
A song with an angry sound and cursing with lyrics that would appeal to a young male or an immature male closer to 30.
Low brow, screaming, 'Michael Myers' type of music, something that usually draws in more immature males with underdeveloped tastes and rebellious attitudes.
The lyrics speak of sex, drugs and violence ( may suggest rape). From the videos in the home, we know that these are common themes form the two Persons of Interest and it is likely common themes for any who may associate with them.
"Turn Me On "Mr. Deadman""
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the motherfucker is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan
Turn me on turn me on Mr. Deadman
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the little faggot is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan
Turn me on turn me on Mr. Deadman
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the motherfucker is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan
Turn me on turn me on Mr. Deadman
Yeah I want it
I need it
To make a million
Yeah I love it
A fuckin' rockstar
Penetrate, Penetrate
All the simple minds
They adore, what a bore how they stand in line
Dilate, Dilate
What's my drug of choice?
It's okay when they pay they say I got the voice
Look at this the little faggot is a millionaire
Realize it's a mask that you wear
Violate, Violate
Such a simple plan
Turn me on turn me on Mr. Deadman
Please note that there is a Facebook page for Union Underground which may indicate the author as one who "likes" this band:
For the purpose of a threat:
Subject is close to 30, high school diploma and lives in Texas, not too distant from where the note was found. He would likely have been 17 or 18 in the year 2000, when this band released "Mr. Deadman" (or shortly after).
Alternative: subject may be younger, but is close to and looks up to one around 30 years of age who has gotten subject to listen to this Texas 'metal' band.
If female, likely younger than early 30's, and looks up to male, who is into this music.
The music appeals to the Michael Myers' type crowd. The band broke up in 2002 with one member founding a band with "cult" in title, while another became a Christian. The lyrics would appeal to immaturity.
In the Facebook page, those who have formally "liked" the page, who list themselves from Texas, should be listed by name to note location within reasonable driving distance to Howard County. Note that there are a number of female fans.
you found Haileys bones
Note that the subject affirms that these are Hailey's bones; and not possibly Hailey's remains.
Note that this statement is true, and the name "Hailey" is capitalized.
Note that there is no use of the possessive punctuation "Hailey's bones" yet an apostrophe is used correctly elsewhere.
Note it is not "remains" nor "you found Hailey" but only her "bones"
This may cause us to question if the subject is up on the latest news of the case in which article of clothing was reported publicly (but not specifically)
The subject knew, or believed, that these remains were Hailey's.
It don’t mean a thing, Shawn boy wont see a day in jail
"It don't mean a thing" is because "Shawn boy wont see a day in jail" gives the reason why it is meaningless. The subject does not say that these are not Hailey's remains; in fact, the subject says that "you" have found "Haileys bones" in affirmation.
Note "jail" and not "prison"may suggest local person. This was left at a federal prison and not a local jail. The subject may not be familiar with prison, but may be familiar with jail, that is, being held for a short time, if at all. Prisoners who have spent time in prison will more likely use the word "prison" than "jail."
Note that "don't" uses the proper spelling. The subject knows how to write and appears to want to masquerade behind misspellings. There may even be an attempt to sound 'regional' in dialect.
Note the name "Shawn" is capitalized but not the word "boy", nor does it appear connected to the word "Shawn", as in "Shawnboy." More on "Shawnboy" below.
"Shawn boy" is a term of endearment.
Adkins had an ex girlfriend named Andrea of whom he called a stalker. Did she call him "Shawn boy"?
One might ask if someone close to Shawn Adkins wrote this, or someone who wishes to be close to him but is not allowed to be, and cannot be "heard" by Shawn Adkins.
This note would get the attention the subject craves.
That bitch Billy
"That" indicates distancing language from "Billy" which may be emotional distance, more than geographical.
"Billy" is misspelled version of "Billie" and may be for insulting purposes, or it may be done as an attempt to conceal identity. It would be interesting to learn if Ms. Dunn has been teased, as an adult (rather than childhood) by immature classmates in writing it in the masculine spelling.
The misspelling could be an insult from female writer.
"bitch" is insulting to Billie Dunn.
That bitch Billy will try and burn him but it wont happen.
"it won't happen" is passive, outside the realm of control, and may be addressing how "Billy's" plans will not be satisfied as they will not work out in court, or in the legal system.
The subject cannot make it happen, but can only state that it "wont" happen, dropping the apostrophe for "won't" even though he uses it with "don't", which again appears to be a deliberate attempt to conceal identity.
If you go on tv again
Another indication of the subject being local as this was not broadcast nationally. The subject may not read the news much, nor read this blog, but his information regarding Mr. Lloyd is from television. He does not take issue with Mr. Lloyd commenting here, as Mr. Lloyd has been outspoken about justice for Hailey; this is not an issue for the subject, only going on "tv" "again."
Note that this puts the threat as "conditional"; that is, it will not happen if Mr. Lloyd does not go on television again. Note that Mr. Lloyd going on television suggests that the subject believes this was the choice of Mr. Lloyd and not of the news media. This is not a sophisticated viewpoint, as Mr. Lloyd has not sought publicity, but was limited in what he could reveal to media.
and say anything bad bout Shawn boy
Note "say" and not "write" or "post, comment" also indicates that he saw this on television and not in writing. May not read the news, nor this blog
Note that Mr. Lloyd did not go on TV and say "anything bad" about anyone, but refrained, at that time, from overly speculating on the identity of the remains. He did, later, express his opinion of Shawn Adkins from information from the affidavit.
The subject does not want anyone saying anything "bad" about "Shawn boy" and is protective. This may suggest female.
"Shawn boy" is reportedly what his ex girlfriend called him. The "boy" being separate from "Shawn" suggests Shawn may be his or her "boy", as expression. Reportedly, this would reference the ex girlfriend of whom Adkins appeared with Dunn in their home-made pornography, of whom he later claimed he was being "stalked" by her, and that she had a "fatal attraction" towards him.
It may be that the subject (writer) knows that Adkins' ex girlfriend called him "Shawn boy" and may wish to attempt to make the note sound as if it came from her or from another female.
you gona die to.
Deliberate misspellings. Deliberate poor grammar.
It is not a direct threat.
When there is a deliberate misspelling, the subject does not wish to appear educated, or may wish to appear 'regional.' This is not an internet abbreviation, but an attempt to conceal. It is the attempt, itself, that matters in the analysis. The word "too" is sometimes spelling "to" incorrectly, but more likely it is a typo. This was handwritten. With "gona" misspelled, it strongly suggests deliberate misspellings.
There is no pronoun of which to bring the subject to commitment to violence, only the "you gona die to" with its misspelling. It is passive, indicating that the subject seeks to conceal identity or responsibility, which in the case of a threat, is not a direct threat. We look for the subject, himself, or herself, to tell us that he/she is committed to the threat. Here, with passivity, there is not commitment on the part of the subject. We are all going to die; he is not saying he is going to cause the death.
The lack of direct threat also suggests female, where as a male, with a legitimate threat, would have likely used the pronoun, "I" in connection to the action. Everyone is going to die, but the subject does not take any responsibility for causing it to happen.
The ability to write, "Mr. Lloyd", spelling it correctly, along with other punctuation that is correct suggests that the writer wishes to conceal his or her identity by deliberate misspellings. With the immaturity noted, as well as the association with this specific band, the writer of the note may have his identity revealed on Facebook, in the section of names that have "liked" this particular band.
The name of the author of this note may be found on that list.
The subject appears to be immature, with a high school education, and does not appear to make any credible threat against Mr. Lloyd. With anonymous notes, statistically, there is often a sexual issue related to confusion. The subject may have sexual perversity and be confused as to his or her own sexual identity. The confusion may be seen in the collection of masks (Adkins himself or someone close to him).
The subject may be attracted to someone with perversity.
The subject either knows or believes these remains to be those of Hailey Dunn, lives currently near Howard County (I do not believe the subject would have driven very far), is immature unemployed or underemployed near 30, and is of average intelligence, who's name may be on the Facebook list. If the "like" is recent, New Mexico should be checked along with "Texas." That the band glorifies anger, sexuality and drugs is in common with Adkins/Dunn, and those in close association to them.
The subject seeks attention, more than anything else, and feels the need to input herself (or himself) into the case, desperate to gain attention while seeking Shawn Adkins' approval.
Female would likely be slightly younger than male author.
Andrea Unknown may be the author, and is known to Shawn Adkins.
When someone works with another on an anonymous letter, it makes identification difficult.
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