did Dipietro receive criminal assistance? |
If you are new to Statement Analysis, there are many articles on the case of 'missing' baby from Maine, Ayla Reynolds. She was about as "missing" as Hailey Dunn was, with the same ending: domestic homicide. A simple search of "Baby Ayla" here will catch you up in the case.
Baby Ayla was reported missing by her father.
Deception was indicated.
Drugs were associated, publicly, in the case.
Polygraphs were failed.
The family insisted on those having "hope" for Ayla.
Those who suspected the family were verbally attacked, in some cases, viciously and in means intended to harm them into silence, as the DiPietro supporters could not answer the arguments presented, so they sought to "silence" the voices calling for justice.
In one scenario, a woman approached a local reporter and asked him to "dig up dirt" on this blogger, in order to silence his call for justice. Incapable of answering the argument, they sought to shoot the messenger.
Sound familiar?
For quite some time, I have contemplated the passion in which non-family members close to the DiPietros, have exhibited in their defense of the indefensible. No one kidnapped the child and they knew that.
I initially thought that, perhaps, one may have had a psychological need to be the martyr of the case; the "me against the world" that some need to feel useful or special in life.
I am now thinking that I was wrong and that the passion may have flowed from something far simpler.
In the death of Ayla Reynolds, Statement Analysis has indicated deception on the part of Justin DiPietro and Elisha DiPietro, Ayla's paternal aunt. This indication came from the beginning of the case. Behavioral Analysis indicated that Ayla had not been kidnapped, but that the father, in particular, had reason not to 'negotiate' with the kidnapper for her safe return.
In comic-book like behavior, Ayla's grandmother, Phoebe DiPietro, went on television to deny any party activity "that" night and wanted to convince listeners how "normal" that night was; quiet, dinner, family.
She was also indicated for deception, and in humiliation, had to go back to the television interviewer and admit that she was not in the home that night...the night she did not "hear" anything.
Truthful in technicality; intended for deception.
Justin DiPietro did not pass his polygraph, he "smoked" it, as he has smoked so many of his brain cells away, while his own mother did what she had been doing since his childhood; sought to shield him from responsibility.
Elisha did not pass her polygraph, either, but she did "fine", on it; the results were "fine" but they were not passed.
Mother taught them both well.
Justin refused to speak out for Ayla claiming, in the glory of masculinity, to be "emotionally incapable" of communicating to the 'kidnapper." He then issued a verbal challenge to Nancy Grace to walk in his shoes, but refused to come out of the bathroom to answer the door where Nancy Grace producers were attempting to try on the shoes.
His past tense reference told us that Ayla was dead.
The written statement including "rumors floating out there" suggesting that water searching was necessary in an attempt to locate her.
The life insurance policy taken out, not for his children, but against only one of his children, through State Farm, weeks before making his 911 call to report her 'missing', showed either motive or traction towards motive in what befell her. Lots of unemployed under-educated ill-mannered, bad tempered, bullying single fathers of multiple children purchase life insurance against just one of them and have them go missing 6 weeks later or so the supporters would have us believe.
We learned that a significant amount of Ayla's blood was found. We have not been told what "significant" means, but according to Websters dictionary, it means, "having meaning, having or likely to have influence or effect of a noticeably or measurably large amount; probably caused by something other than mere chance..."
We learned that Maine State Police showed evidence to Ayla's mother, Trista Reynolds, proving to her what Statement Analysis had concluded: that Ayla was dead.
Police have said that Courtney Roberts, DiPietro's girlfriend, has also deceptively withheld information from police about what happened to Ayla Reynolds.
Did Justin DiPietro have assistance during the panic-filled hours prior to calling 911?
What is the possible drug connection between the Roberts and the unnamed fourth partner who may have given counsel and possibly criminal assistance to Justin DiPietro?
One might ask: Did Justin DiPietro call anyone just prior to calling 911?
Might this explain the extreme, projection-like passionate defenses of all things DiPietro?
Might this explain the threats? Might this explain the desire to do whatever it takes, to silence others?
Statement Analysis of the 911 calls would be interesting to read.
We continue to press for answers and to keep Ayla Reynolds in the public's view.
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