What of the language of one who was sexually abused in childhood?
There are certain distinctions researchers have found which flow from disassociation. More on this later.
Here is the first statement made for analysis, which is in bold type, with emphasis added for clarification.
Statements made by Billie Jean Dunn 2013 Hope for Hailey July 28 via mobile
Hello everyone,Billie here. I'm awaiting calls for updates on our baby's case, any news really,just to know the case is still very much active.
As we have noted consistently, the subject remains concerned that she does not receive information from law enforcement and shows acute sensitivity in her attempts to persuade her audience to the contrary.
With Hailey's birthday approaching it tears me up to realize it's another birthday without her,another year, I can't let her become one of those many unsolved cold cases.
Note the word "let"; as if by permission. We have seen a great deal of language of control by the subject, over the years. We see the need to control the public's viewpoint, so much so, in fact, that she has gone directly against the advice of her attorney.
Note also the continuing need to portray in the plural as a means of sharing guilt.
I keep praying for a confession & I ask that all of Hailey's supporters to continue to pray for answers & justice for her too. Pray for LE to be given that break in the case & the patience to wait for it,the clarity to see it. I pray for all of us the patience.
The subject has consistently torn into law enforcement (LE) since she failed her polygraph. She has been arrested for harboring (and lying) Shawn Adkins, the co-Person of Interest in the case. Note she prays for a "confession", but also for "answers" (in the plural) and justice. She calls for prayer for the same LE that she has ripped.
Note the break in the case is "that" break (distancing language).
Statement Analysis concluded, from just shortly after reporting Hailey missing, that the mother had guilty knowledge that Hailey was deceased. This was first published in January of 2011 under "The Death of Hailey Dunn" and was roundly condemned for "giving up hope" while it was the mother's own words, from the beginning, that showed that she knew Hailey was dead, even while attempting to portray fake sightings to keep the public sympathy alive.
As we have noted consistently, the subject remains concerned that she does not receive information from law enforcement and shows acute sensitivity in her attempts to persuade her audience to the contrary.
With Hailey's birthday approaching it tears me up to realize it's another birthday without her,another year, I can't let her become one of those many unsolved cold cases.
Note the word "let"; as if by permission. We have seen a great deal of language of control by the subject, over the years. We see the need to control the public's viewpoint, so much so, in fact, that she has gone directly against the advice of her attorney.
Note also the continuing need to portray in the plural as a means of sharing guilt.
I keep praying for a confession & I ask that all of Hailey's supporters to continue to pray for answers & justice for her too. Pray for LE to be given that break in the case & the patience to wait for it,the clarity to see it. I pray for all of us the patience.
The subject has consistently torn into law enforcement (LE) since she failed her polygraph. She has been arrested for harboring (and lying) Shawn Adkins, the co-Person of Interest in the case. Note she prays for a "confession", but also for "answers" (in the plural) and justice. She calls for prayer for the same LE that she has ripped.
Note the break in the case is "that" break (distancing language).
Statement Analysis concluded, from just shortly after reporting Hailey missing, that the mother had guilty knowledge that Hailey was deceased. This was first published in January of 2011 under "The Death of Hailey Dunn" and was roundly condemned for "giving up hope" while it was the mother's own words, from the beginning, that showed that she knew Hailey was dead, even while attempting to portray fake sightings to keep the public sympathy alive.
Hope for Hailey Thank you everyone,Frankie thank you,I'm very grateful for any help. I've been feeling helpless lately,I'm failing,I don't know my next move,but I'm talking to many ppl,including other lawyers & I'm taking all advice I can get to figure out who to approach next & how. July 28 at 11:47am via mobile • Like • 3
Note the frustration on who to contact: "I'm taking all the advice I can get" would indicate that advice from Law Enforcement ("tell the truth!") and from her attorney ("shut up!") has been discarded.
Note the frustration on who to contact: "I'm taking all the advice I can get" would indicate that advice from Law Enforcement ("tell the truth!") and from her attorney ("shut up!") has been discarded.
Hope for Hailey I know there are LE who care for Hailey,I know some only want to make a name for themselves,but some love her,so I know they try,I just wish I got regular updates & at the least returned messages to me & ppl who call on my behalf.
Here we see the narcissistic desire to share the spotlight with no one, as well as the desperate need to control information.
Here we see the narcissistic desire to share the spotlight with no one, as well as the desperate need to control information.
July 28 at 11:49am via mobile • Like • 2 Hope for Hailey I feel like he has a dangerous side to him,that I seen everytime I asked him to leave. I was also told things a year ago by LE that has truly made me disgusted with him. I know media portrayed ppl in a negative light,myself included,so that's not what I'm going on. For a while now I have believed him a possibility,I don't want to get into it too much on this page,but he is someone I despise with everything in me & I believe he is a monster in disguise from even his own family & I do have reasons. I'm friends with all my exes except him,so that's not it either.
Note that she had called the police on Shawn Adkins and reported him as threatening, to which Adkins acknowledged threatening her and Hailey. In spite of this, Dunn re-invited him into the home which led to Hailey's death. This is a very sensitive point and a desire to blame only him, though the questions she failed in the polygraph, as well as her public statements, show a very different account.
Note the claim that LE told her things that made her "truly" disgusted. What was not disgusting about the child pornography two years ago? What was not disgusting about the bestiality two years ago? Dunn, herself, answered this question when she asked, "Who hasn't received bestiality?"
The answer: most.
Note the ownership of her ex partners "all my exes", as the need to control.
Note that she had called the police on Shawn Adkins and reported him as threatening, to which Adkins acknowledged threatening her and Hailey. In spite of this, Dunn re-invited him into the home which led to Hailey's death. This is a very sensitive point and a desire to blame only him, though the questions she failed in the polygraph, as well as her public statements, show a very different account.
Note the claim that LE told her things that made her "truly" disgusted. What was not disgusting about the child pornography two years ago? What was not disgusting about the bestiality two years ago? Dunn, herself, answered this question when she asked, "Who hasn't received bestiality?"
The answer: most.
Note the ownership of her ex partners "all my exes", as the need to control.
July 28 at 11:58am via mobile • Like • 4 Hope for Hailey I heard about this,of course not from LE,I also reported problems MONTHS before she went missing,even after she went missing I brought it up again,but it wasn't taken seriously,the man we seen in our carport (by Haileys bedroom door) doesn't fit that description,however it was dark at 1 a.m July 28 at 12:09pm via mobile • Like • 1 • •
"of course" wants us to take for granted.
"not from LE" is in the negative, making it very important.
"of course" wants us to take for granted.
"not from LE" is in the negative, making it very important.
Hope for Hailey Thank you. I was never questioned about it pamela,but I did tell them & even had to call them at one night. July 28 at 12:16pm via mobile • Like
Hope for Hailey There are so many possibilities & coincidences everywhere,that I just don't know what to do,I get uncomfortable,I don't want to start a bash session against anyone. I just know I want my daughter back & I want to know 100% who abducted & murdered her & I want them punished! And not only that,if they did it once(which we don't even know that) they can do it again. July 28 at 12:22pm via mobile • Like • 1
It is interesting that a mother wants to know "100%" who abducted and murdered her daughter. Why the need for emphasis? Would any mother need to know any less than 100%? This, again, takes her "knowledge" into an area of sensitivity. Why would knowing be sensitive?
It is the assertion of law enforcement as well as the assertion here, that she does not need to know 100% because she already knows, hence, the need for emphasis.
It is interesting that a mother wants to know "100%" who abducted and murdered her daughter. Why the need for emphasis? Would any mother need to know any less than 100%? This, again, takes her "knowledge" into an area of sensitivity. Why would knowing be sensitive?
It is the assertion of law enforcement as well as the assertion here, that she does not need to know 100% because she already knows, hence, the need for emphasis.
Hope for Hailey Thank you Holly & Ester also,just keep praying,we can't lose faith in that,someone has got to come through for Hailey! It's such a dilemma what do you do,push LE & they possibly arrest the wrong person,or they can't get a conviction on the right person for lack of evidence & poor handling of the case??? I try to trust they doing everything necessary,that's what they tell me when we do talk,I just wish we talked more. July 28 at 12:32pm via mobile • Like • 2
Note the mother's concern about arresting the wrong person coming before arresting the right person without a conviction.
It would be interesting to learn who she thinks is the "wrong" person (gender neutral...note, not the wrong "man" or the wrong "guy") actually is.
Note the mother's concern about arresting the wrong person coming before arresting the right person without a conviction.
It would be interesting to learn who she thinks is the "wrong" person (gender neutral...note, not the wrong "man" or the wrong "guy") actually is.
August 4 Hoping our Hope For Hailey families are having a nice Sunday. I've decided I need contacts to touch base often with in EACH dept involved in our case, hoping to be able to bring updates & news for us soon. Of course at the top of my list- who & why & what. I want LE to know every detail, however I only want minimal on what,just would like to know it was quick & painless for Hailey. I've been told by several LE I won't be told until I get her back. Texas Rangers are over what's going on with Hailey's remains & them being released, so i'll be bugging them this week again, as well as following up with my ccpd contact who's investigating a tip passed to them last week. Kelsey Rivera did promise me that Hailey still is & will remain a priority for them. Let's keep praying for a confession. Please call tips to Snyder LE @ 325-573-3351.
Note the need to have "contacts" with "each Dept":
1. Why can't the mother be her own contact? Because law enforcement will not share information with her outside of Discover to her attorney.
2. What is "each" department she refers to? This may be that the various localities are not specifically known for the various charges she may face, including child pornography, lying to law enforcement, child endangerment, as well as the possibility of facing kidnapping and murder charges, and illegal disposal of human remains.
1. Why can't the mother be her own contact? Because law enforcement will not share information with her outside of Discover to her attorney.
2. What is "each" department she refers to? This may be that the various localities are not specifically known for the various charges she may face, including child pornography, lying to law enforcement, child endangerment, as well as the possibility of facing kidnapping and murder charges, and illegal disposal of human remains.
Note "I'll be bugging" is future tense. She is not "bugging" because they will not speak to her.
Note that her ccpd "contact" is not said to be a cop.
There appears to be a strong sense of anxiety within the Facebook postings. This may be that she is simply "outside the loop" of knowledge, and quite fearful of being arrested, or it may be something else:
She mentioned tips being called in that upset her. She may be fearing that there is unknown (to her) information that is going to catch her, or that prosecution team is getting closer to an arrest.
In whatever case, the Facebook postings clearly show:
*need to persuade readers that she is in communication with law enforcement
*need to share guilt
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