Hailey Dunn's death came at the end of a life of neglect, no matter how one views it.
If you think that her father was the stable factor in a life of upheaval, perversion, drug abuse and violence, think again.
Stable fathers don't keep getting arrested in life.
In my interview with Clint, he referenced Hailey in the past tense, caught himself, and even commented upon it: "I guess I really do believe they did it", he said, referring to Shawn Adkins and Hailey's mother, Billie Dunn.
He described a life that, even at best, was bizarre and foreign to most.
Yet it was Clint Dunn's love of marijuana that dominated the interview, not Hailey. It was, and is, his love and his passion in life.
He was recently arrested while being pulled over: marijuana possession and a gun.
Who would be foolish enough to give Clint Dunn a gun?
Although experts disagree on whether or not a physical addiction to marijuana exists, they don't debate on the psychological addiction, or its ability to remove drive and initiative from a man.
If anyone needed a father with protective capacities, it was Hailey, but instead she had a man who was consumed with marijuana and who, at his best, would sit stoned in front of the television, watching a show Hailey enjoyed.
This was the extent of his protective propensities towards his 13 year old daughter.
Question: How is it possible to live across the street from a 13 year old who lives with monsters and not know it?
Answer: marijuana
Question: How is it possible for a father to see a smirking Shawn Adkins and a comfy Billie Jean Dunn, curled up on the sofa, watching her favorite low brow soap, while Hailey was 'missing', and not tear into them demanding to know, "Where the hell is my daughter?!?"?
Answer: marijuana
Objection: Shawn Adkins is much bigger than Clint.
Answer: I wouldn't mess with a 98 pound loving mother who's child is in threat.
This has been a soap opera of nonsense since it began, with Clint going from "Shawn and Billie did it" to "Why did you write that? She is going to kill me!"
I was stunned.
He was scared of Billie Dunn.
Now, it is one thing to be frightened of the likes of Billie Dunn and Shawn Adkins; let's just say that it appears that they are capable of following through with death threats, but it it quite another thing to be fueled by the righteous fear of a missing child that tells me that had Desiree Young gotten her hands on both Dee Dee Spicher and Terri Horman...well, she appears to be a lady, but you get my meaning. My money is on the mama left bereft of her son, no matter how lady like she is. Her loveliness and femininity would be temporarily shelved while she exacted from those two the location of her son, so that she could give him a dignified Christian burial.
Parents who love their children will risk their own lives to save them. Desiree Young has always struck me as a mother who deeply loved, and still loves, her son, Kyron, who is not forgotten by us, even as the infamous date of his demise is upon us now.
More about Kyron, later.
During the interview, Clint cowardly retreated to his pot induced dream of moving to California and raising marijuana as a crop. The biggest draw back to this dream?
Farming is hard work, something Clint appears to have an allergy towards.
Oh sure, he was out pan-handling in Hailey's name early on, and had to watch donations come a-pouring down upon Billie Jean in the forms of cash and durable goods, as she played the 'woe is me' unlicensed assistant nurse, now unemployed secretary. The shelf life on stripping isn't very long, even when botox coupons are printed off the net. She seemed to manipulate, with ease, to get people to part with money, on her account. Clint was left as the amateur, watching the pro in action.
This is, methinks, his second arrest since Hailey went missing.
How many times have you been arrested since Hailey was reported missing?
Hailey's mother, father, grandmother, and a boat load of uncles and cousins, have all been arrested since she was reported missing.
How many of your family members have been arrested since Hailey went missing?
Yeah, I thought so.
Me, neither.
This was the life of Hailey Dunn. She lived with two monsters who had sexual attraction to the abuse of children, animals, and adults. She lived with those into drugs and who took delight in reading about serial killers and sexual homicides and perversion. It was their fantasy and it became their reality as they were able to live out their dream, at the expense of Hailey. (this is why astute readers insist that a video memory of what happened to Hailey exists somewhere).
But, just across the way was Hailey's father who "loved" Hailey; that is, not that he protected her, and knew her heart, her fears, her concerns, and the life that she was living, but he had emotions that were 'positive' towards her.
Love seeks the highest good of its object.
Love discriminates evil from good.
Love protects.
Love emboldens.
Love drives and pushes and accomplishes and if there was anyone who needed protection, in the name of love, it was Hailey Dunn.
She did not need a buzz-induced father contemplating how he could grow marijuana in California while sitting stoned on an easy chair while the crops just tended to themselves, she needed a father.
She had no father.
She had no mother.
She had a monster, who invited another monster in, while the man who should have known, and perhaps did, lost all drive and initiative to be a father.
Get a vasectomy, Clint, please.
I will pay for it, myself. (I will pay the doctor upon receipt, and not fund your drug habit, so don't even ask, though I am thinking that a lot of doctors from Texas may even want to donate this procedure)
We do not yet know what is being genetically passed on to children from their pot smoking fathers, but it appears to me that we have an epidemic of "ADD" kids being medicated, sitting in front of video games, but unable to read a book. We don't know if marijuana is causing damage or not, but we don't need a scientific study to know that abdicating fathers who need no assistance in laziness are not being helped by smoking pot.
In Clint's defense, it must so frustrate him while sitting in a jail sell, as his mind begins to get clarity away from the marijuana smoke, and he considers just how easy it was for him to get arrested, while those who killed his daughter remain free.
For this, Clint, I don't have an explanation for you.
I warned you about your love of marijuana and I urged you to talk to your pastor.
It frightened me to hear how passionate he was about marijuana, while his passion for his daughter was far less than it was over his fear of Billie being "mad" at him.
Poor Hailey.
She had no one to tell what it was that was on the kids' X box, or the perversion that was in the home.
Before you leave an angry comment, do you really think 109,000 images of ANYTHING could escape ANYONE'S attention in a home?
Perversion combining sexuality and violence was not just a 'hobby', but an obsession for the two monsters she lived with. It was their lives. It dominated them. Do you think, in such a small house, and given Hailey's intellect as described by teachers, that she did not know that mommy and boyfriend and other women were making home-made porn in the home?
Don't insult Hailey like that.
While mommy was having Hailey dissect a dead bat, thinking she was mommy-of-the-year, or burning 'tap out' into her teenaged son's back, or cutting up cocaine for resale, or giggling at big booted "stomp" videos of kittens being killed, or deer being cut up, or coveralls being blood stained, do you really think Hailey didn't see and hear these things? Really? Do you really think she was a 6 year old reading medical books and explaining them to her mother to pass a college level test? Please note the mother's need to exaggerate "See Dick and Jane" into nursing texts to know what what kind of mother she was. She was as disconnected to Hailey as Clint was, which is why she could not give an accurate description of what Hailey was like, no different than Mark Redwine sitting and watching Purple Barney with Dylan...an "oops" moment, if I've ever seen one.
Hailey, the poor little lamb never had a chance under these perennial losers. How many strangers in Texas would have adopted her in an heartbeat and helped her through high school, the prom, graduation, and off to college to fulfill dreams of...
dreams we'll never know.
I picture her, sheepishly walking to her father's house, trying her best to tell him just how afraid she was of Shawn Adkins, but him, contemplating his navel, not hearing a word out of her.
I know that I cannot prove this, but I believe it, nonetheless:
I think Hailey told Clint, her father, just how afraid she was of Shawn Adkins, but Clint was just not listening.
He was with the love of his life, with all of his affections and desire towards her, having nothing left for Hailey.
The mistress of his love was not the mother of his new child, nor even the monster who gave birth to Hailey...
but it was and is, marijuana.
Clint Dunn is also responsible for the death of Hailey.
Had he been a father, he would have worked hard for her, listened to her, and invested himself into her, and would have seen the tears, even in dry eyes, of a little girl being slowly groomed for the ultimate abuse.
A father who loves his child knows her pain, knows her heart, knows what her favorite color is, and because of this knowledge, he knows when she is afraid.
He could have tried to get Hailey away from these monsters.
He didn't.
Clint, by means of abdication, is also responsible for Hailey's death. Judicially, he is guilty of nothing, in the laws of the land. We cannot legislate care of a child, beyond the basics (though today social workers in the child protective world are being told not to ask fathers "How do you plan to provide for your child?" since it is "demeaning" to their self esteem. It would mean that the young man, old enough to father a child, has to put down the video game and get a job).
Clint did not drug her, strangle her, nor dump her lifeless body in the ugly fields.
But, he did not prevent these things, either.
It is said that a child's life is dominated by its father.
If the father is abusive to the mother, this abuse dominates. If the father is loving to the mother, the child learns love. If the father dies, this absence can often dominate the child's life.
There is no question that a father impacts a child's life in a unique and powerful way, even as a mother does.
Hailey's life was dominated by neglect.
We may not have marijuana to blame for this neglect, but we may know that marijuana certainly did not help.
If a father dominates the life of a child, Clint dominated Hailey's life by his abdication of his responsibility to love, protect and nurture her.
There is no second chance for Hailey.
Peter Hyatt can be reached via Facebook.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
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